Tuesday 9 October 2018

Here Be Dragons

“Here be dragons.”

That’s what ancient sailors and explorers would write on maps and tell others when faced with uncharted territory. Any location they were unsure of undoubtedly contained monsters.

This is the point I’ve reached now with work. This week marks the longest I’ve ever been in a job or vocational environment, like the placement I did a couple years ago! I was volunteering with the treatment centre for three years, but I’ve never actually worked longer than three months.

I won’t be running into any sea rhinos, manticores, or other great beasts over the next several months and beyond, if and when I get my contract renewed, there will more than likely be a fair amount of challenges like schedule adjustments, winter weather, and of course issues with Para Transpo (all of which I’m working on already!)

But I can tame those dragons when they show up. For now, I’m just impressed that I’ve made it this far.


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