Thursday 25 October 2018

Branching Out

I’ve been thinking about expanding my social media presence, both personally and as The Rare Writer.

Shortly after the CORD conference in March, I was made aware of a similar event and organization, HealtheVoices. HealtheVoices puts on a conference focused on storytelling and social media as they relate to health and advocacy. It looks like something within my wheel-house. One thing they recommend, almost require, is that applicants have a strong social media presence.

I created a rough social media plan to sort out what I’ve got already and what more I could do.

I have the blog, several articles floating around the Internet, and am active on Facebook with the blog, Joubert syndrome stuff and, of course, my own page. I want to go bigger, though! I’ve been debating with myself for the past while whether or not to create a Twitter account for the blog. I’m leaning towards “Yes”, and recent events have made me think I should get back on there myself, though it’s been a good few years.

HealtheVoices also likes applicant to submit videos when applying, something I have zero experience with myself. Recently, the Global Genes website has started an initiative asking people within the rare disorder community to upload short videos of themselves. This might be good practice for later!

There are other platforms to explore, but for now I’ll stick to what I just wrote until I’m comfortable with everything. As always, I’ll be sure to write more if and when things develop.


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