Wednesday 17 October 2018

Disability on YouTube

I'm on YouTube a lot!

Mostly, I enjoy live music, video game walkthroughs, and uploads of older documentary series and cartoons.

Sometimes though, I like searching for videos related to disability. Over the years I've found loads, including a small but awesome number of videos related to Joubert syndrome (one or two of which I'm in). I've recently started subscribing to certain channels which I enjoy, learn from, and can often relate to.

TED Talks

While not specifically focused on disability, TED Talks has had a few interesting videos by disabled and able-bodied speakers about communication, inclusion, technology, and even futurism that have included bits about various disabilities.

Invisible I

This channel was created by a young woman from the UK on the autism spectrum, and I follow it regularly. Unlike other disability videos and channels that go too far one way or another into the inspirational or controversial realms, this woman talks about issues and topics like travel, working, attending conferences, or just posts vlogs about various different quirks and traits she has. Things I can actually relate to and which have inspired a couple blog posts!

Special Books for Special Kids

Created by a special ed. teacher Chris Ulmer, Special Books features Mr. Chris interviewing individuals of all ages with a number of diagnoses from autism and cerebral palsy to cancer and Huntington's disease to Alzheimer's and PTSD. He's even met a couple people with Joubert syndrome! (sadly though, no videos as of yet)

The videos of the little kids are some of the best. Most of them are very cute and steal the show, and Chris is great with interacting with them.

Some of the older individual's interviews have hit home pretty hard and I've actually reached out to comment on a video or connect to an interviewee on more than one occasion, whether it's been to encourage a young guy wanting to pursue a future in Paleontology (which I considered at one point) or to quickly say hello to a young woman and fellow advocate who wanted to hear from people.

Another frequently watched site!

I'm currently debating whether I want to make a video or two of my own. A lot of nerves associated with it, and I'll write about it all later. Maybe I could find some inspiration re-watching some of those videos from above?


1 comment:

  1. You're an amazing young person, Scott. Never give up your pursuit, you are prevailing....
