Monday 22 October 2018

Bucket List

Been going through some writing prompts today. Thought I'd post this one.

We all have our bucket lists, a list of things we absolutely want to do before we, well, can't do them anymore. (I could've said 'die', but that would've just been depressing)

Here's mine!

1. Visit prehistoric locations

Specifically the Royal Tyrell Museum and Badlands in Alberta, as well the George C Page Museum and La Brea tar pits in California. I've mentioned before that I'm a nut when it comes to dinosaurs and all things prehistoric, so this is a major desire and probably the most achievable item on this list.

2. Attend a major comic convention

San Diego would be the ideal, but I'd settle for New York, Chicago, or any other big con.

3. African Safari

This is the big one! I've always wanted to do this. Any place would do, but I've heard there's a preserve in South Africa that's located right between Cape Town and a World Heritage Site that's said to contain the highest number of discovered remains of human ancestors, so that would be awesome!

4. A Tour of England

Maybe the whole UK, but England for sure. I'd love to see Stonehenge, the Globe Theatre, the British Museum and Museum of Natural History and as weird as it sounds, walk through Whitechapel (location of the Jack the Ripper murders) and/or the real Sherwood forest (Robin Hood).


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