Monday 19 October 2020

It's Not Like We're Werewolves


Some time ago, there was this meme going around with some guy complaining about disabled people and parking, and a woman replying about how we're not werewolves (meaning we can be out after dark.)

Since last week, I've read two separate articles related to people with disabilities and some kind of exclusion from services, one about the lack of COVID benefits for people with disabilities in Canada, and the other about a law in Texas that would allow social workers to turn away disabled individuals and, in both cases, I think the werewolf analogy still applies.

We don't bite. We don't have ticks, fleas, or cooties. So, why are people still so unwilling or terrified to give individuals with disabilities (or any minority, really) a hand? What's there to be afraid of?

It's the 21st century and we're in the middle of a global pandemic. Let's leave the monsters for Halloween, and start treating people like human beings.


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