Saturday 25 September 2021

Social Series: Get Out and Explore


Want to find out what you like and meet some people? Explore!

If you're able to, get out into your community and see what's there. Maybe even get involved in something. 

That's how I started to get around and do things when I moved to the city. Very gradually, I familiarized myself with one specific area of downtown Ottawa. I started with my favourite comic book shop, relying on Para Transpo and/or my parents for quick trips. Gradually, I got comfortable enough to walk around and I started taking regular transit down instead of Para, going back home with my parents (they worked down there at the time). 

Eventually, I was staying down in that area for longer periods, writing, going for coffee or lunch, or walking around. More trips to the comic shop, and other places, meant that I was starting to meet some people. This soon led to me attending events, conventions, and joining a group called the Ottawa Comix Jam.

You can also do this online (though carefully, please!), with social media and sites like Meetup. A few years ago, I was feeling bored and in need of some kind of new experience. I like to read, so I searched for book clubs in Ottawa. Within a few results, I found a science fiction/fantasy one. Something right within my wheelhouse! The group was on Meetup, a website for groups dedicated to all sorts of interests and hobbies. On a whim, I created an account, joined the group, and signed up for a couple events.

The book club was relatively small and met at a couple different pubs and restaurants I was familiar with, so there was nothing to be nervous about. After two hours of eating a burger and talking about time-travel, I was committed. 

None of this would've ever happened without taking a chance and testing my limits. It's scary at first, so by all means take your time and plan but, ultimately, go for it. It'll be worth it!


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