Tuesday 19 January 2021

Yer A Wizard!


Since my teens, I've had an interest in gaming. 

I tend to gravitate towards gamers as friends and was fairly into some of the card games like Marvel Overpower, Yugioh, and Magic: The Gathering in high school. I set up my first email account just so I could join a friend's online Dragon Ball role playing website.

The one thing I've always wanted to try, but have never gotten into is Dungeons and Dragons. I love the characters and monsters, the art, and the stories, but the idea of point values and math bores me.

But like I said, I enjoy other aspects of D&D. So, as a fun waste of time about a week ago, I challenged myself to create my own Dungeons and Dragons character.

I took some online quizzes to determine my character's class, race, and moral alignment, using as much of my own personality as possible. The race represents what species you are (human, elf, dwarf, etc.), class is what you do (wizard, knight, and so on), and moral alignment is geared to the character's moral and personal attitudes. They range from Lawful Good (a firefighter who rescues cats from trees level of goodness) to Chaotic Evil (picture the Joker).

After everything was done, I came out with a Neutral Good (good, but not bound to anyone or thing) Human Wizard/Monk.

Essentially this

Works for me!

Nothing to go further with, but a fun way to kill an hour.


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