Wednesday 9 December 2020

Quickest. Appointment. Ever!


Yesterday, I had an eye appointment. Normally, those can take up to three hours, with my longest being close to four. 

The idea of sitting around a clinic with a mask for that long scared me a bit, but I was assured it wouldn't take long at all. And I trust the Ottawa Eye Institute.

I got there just prior to my appointment, and was seen almost immediately. I was taken to get an OCT test, photos of my eyes, which was a lot easier to do as they had me standing for it, rather than sitting on a stool that had a habit of wheeling away from the machine.

After that, I was taken for an ultrasound of my eye, which is exactly what it sounds like. The technician had me lean back in a seat, froze my eye with some drops, then moved an ultrasound wand, with gel, around my eye. It was weird, but painless.

Then I was done. All that in half an hour!


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