Friday 6 July 2018

The Job: First Week, First Impressions

Well, my first week of work is finished and, I have to say, it was quite the experience.

Mostly orientation and getting things started or set up. A lot of meetings, information packages, training, and technical issues.

First thing Tuesday (my first day) I got a badge and, for the first time ever, I have a photo for something official (passport, health card, etc.) where I don't look like an overweight drug smuggler. I'm really liking having my own office/cubicle, and plan to add one or two appropriate personal touches as soon as things are settled.

I've got quite a lot of very friendly co-workers who have been eager to get to know me and involve me in things.

The workload looks daunting but doable. The main thing I'll be doing is registering people for online courses. I was trained in this yesterday, and took to it quickly. Other tasks should include scanning and some database management. Outside of my required tasks, I've had co-workers extend me invitations to sit on various team meetings and was asked if I had any experience with graphic design, in relation to a poster they want to make. So, should be a productive six months!

It's a great thing to start a new job, but it all feels surreal, like a part of me feels like I shouldn't be there even though I know I should. And that's not me being nervous, just happy disbelief, I guess. I've just never had a job, or even any kind of volunteer opportunity quite like this.

I'm sure I'll get used to it as soon as I settle in more and really start doing things.


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