Saturday 21 July 2018

The Difference A Year Makes

As I was working the other day and phoning around to set up and clarify various personal things, I realized just how much my life has changed in the last year.

The end of June 2017, I was in a really bad place. That month had been a whirlwind of meetings and phone calls to look into various disability-related services and had resulted in a string of disappointments. It got to be so overwhelming that I just broke down.

The Joubert conference in Phoenix that summer and writing days downtown during the Fall helped relieve tension, but it was still pretty rough what with looking for work and other forms of independence.

Fast forward to this year. I have a job which, so far, is going great, I've got home care coming in  multiple times during the week which is a big help, services like Para Transpo and ODSP (disability pension) are responsive and behaving themselves (knock on wood!), and I'm involved in groups like Able Sail, the Joubert Board, and that book club. That's a pretty good turn of events!

I guess patience, persistence, and all that other good stuff does really pay off eventually.


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