Friday 9 August 2024

Solo Staycation: The Sequel


I managed to survive another Summer on my own, with my family being on the East Coast since the end of June.

Like last year, there was plenty of work, junk food, Netflix, getting out when it wasn't blistering hot outside, and a weekend at the cabin when my Dad flew home for a week.

Unlike last year, there were a lot of surprising firsts.

Literally the day my Dad left, our oven overheated and smoked up the main floor of our house pretty bad. Smoke filling the kitchen and smoke alarm sounding, I went into total panic mode. I got things stable, but I was pretty frazzled. Called my father to talk me down, and he figured something on the oven's bottom caused it to smoke. He was right, and told me I'd need to clean it. I waited a few hours for it to cool down, then got soapy water and some scrubbing pads, removed the grates (easier than I thought), and scrubbed the best I could. I repeated the process the following day, turned the oven on, and let it go for a couple minutes. No more smoke and very little smell!

More firsts came near the end of July. 

For a few different reasons, I was unable to get my nails cut by my homecare worker, and my toenails were getting rather long and unseemly. In a bind, I started to brainstorm possible solutions. Rather than putting up with an expensive assessment at a foot care clinic, I phoned a local spa for help. I'd been there once before for a quick haircut and they were pretty good. I explained my situation to the receptionist, and she recommended a mini pedicure, so that weekend I booked Para Transpo to Exhalo Spa and enjoyed a pedicure. Great service!

I also went and got groceries that same afternoon. Something I've done before, but not since college.

Definitely not as fun, but that week was the first time I've gotten through a cold on my own.

At the end of that week, my cold having thankfully broken about a day prior, I went to CHEO on my own for a follow-up appointment with Genetics (first since the pandemic). 

A little more work and that brings me to now, with my family set to come home this weekend.

It's been a fun, adventurous time, but I have to say that I missed everyone A LOT more than last year. If I had to do it over I probably would've been tempted to book a couple days off to fly down with them, even for just a little while. Lesson for another time, maybe.


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