Saturday 6 August 2022

Old Job/New Job


Thursday was my last day of work for the job I've held for the past four years, my first real employment, ever! 

It was an oddly emotional, and yet dull day. I had started off-boarding last week, and spent most of this past week cleaning up my computer, then received a nice thank-you email from the department head and some of my coworkers Thursday. I bid my team members farewell, handed off my laptop and what little else I had, work property-wise, to my manager, who luckily lived a short distance away, and I was finished by that evening.

When I was told almost two months ago that my contract would not be renewed, I was pretty nervous. I had remembered all those years ago now, looking for work and relying solely on my parents and ODSP (not that I'm not grateful for either of those!), and slowly all those awful feelings started to creep back.

But, I immediately got in touch with my job coach at LiveWorkPlay, and within a couple weeks he had a job offer for me. It was a two-year contract for an Administrative Assistant position, except this was for more hours, which was something I wanted, and a smaller government department, which meant a wider variety of duties. Shortly after reading over the description, I jumped at the opportunity.

After an interview, rescheduled and modified because Murphy's Law happened and it fell on the day of a nation-wide internet outage, many emails and a nice face-to-face MS Teams meeting with a couple soon-to-be-supervisors, I had the job!

I start this Monday, roughly the same hours as the previous job, only one extra day per week. For the first little while, they want me in the office while I get set up and used to things. On one hand, this means having to deal with Para Transpo, adjust to a new routine, and minor COVID stuff. On the other, it means I get to be back in downtown Ottawa again after two-and-a-half years!!! Silver linings, folks!

Very daunting stuff, but excited for a new adventure.


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