Thursday 24 May 2018

I Suck...Through A Straw

I'm seeing a lot of discussion lately about drinking straws and their potential affect on the environment. I've also recently read this article from Vancouver about how banning them could negatively affect people with disabilities. It's an issue I can relate to and wanted to briefly write about.

When I was little, after several bouts of pneumonia, doctors ran some tests on me and found that liquid would pool in a small j-shaped part of my throat after swallowing and eventually trickle into my lungs, causing the illness. The solution was to use a straw for anything thinner than pea soup. This has been the norm for a good portion of my life. Only within the last five to ten years have I gotten better at drinking without a straw, taking small sips or swallowing a few extra times. However, I still use straws on a pretty regular basis and couldn't see myself without at this point. I'm sure there are quite a few individuals out there with similar stories.

I'm aware of the risks posed by plastic and I completely agree with the desire to protect the planet. I'm also aware that there are probably plenty of alternatives to plastic straws. However, this is an issue with more angles to it than people realize, and I think all of those angles should be looked into before something is done.


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