Friday 27 November 2015

Enough Already! *Rant-ish post*

Yesterday, I was unfortunate enough to have clicked on an article about Donald Trump making fun of a physically disabled reporter. Honestly, I saw "Trump" and "disability" in a blurb together and clicked it, holding onto hope that it might have been something positive. Alas, I was very wrong.

I'm not going to go into detail about the incident because A) I didn't really read much about it, and B) I think that sharing even the slightest detail does a disservice to the reporter and gives Trump too much added attention. Bottom line: it was wrong!

I'm not political, and I'll never condemn someone for their own personal leanings, but I think we can all agree that the leaders and potential leaders of our world need to have more class than what was displayed in this situation.

Seriously, if an average person on the street displayed that kind of lack of respect, they'd either be severely chastised (best case) or have the snot kicked out of them (worst case).

In an age where we're so focused on acceptance, tolerance, and fair play, we need to stop making excuses for certain people and call them for what they are, bullies.

Maybe then we'll all get along that much better.


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