Friday 21 August 2015

If The Shoe Fits...

The other night was another attempt to find myself a new pair of shoes, which for me ranks somewhere just above "dental appointment" on the list of things I enjoy doing.

My feet are flat and have a tendency curve outwards like a "V", rather than staying straight-forward, so I've had to wear orthotics or AFO's (ankle foot orthotics) or inserts as I call them now, since I was little. At first they were ankle-high, but the ones I've had from about high school until now go up to just over my heel.


My feet are also fairly small for my age. I'm thirty and still often have to shop in the kid's section for footwear, although I did finally outgrow a couple stores like Kiddie Cobbler this year. (Yay!?!)

All of this combined makes shoe shopping a pain. I need something that's wide enough for the inserts, high enough for support, dressy enough to be multi-purpose (plain black is the ideal), and something that might have to be from a kid's store. So, basically your standard needle-in-a-haystack.

I've tried Nike, Converse, Vans, and other brands but none seem to fit. At best, I find something that meets one or two of those above requirements. I've heard a lot of good things about New Balance from parents of kids with Joubert syndrome though, so I guess that's the next brand I look into.

Wish me luck!

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