Monday 7 January 2019

Goals for 2019

Today is the last day of my Christmas break. It's been fun, but I'm kind of looking forward to going back to work on Tuesday and getting 2019 started.

The other day, I phoned to set up a new schedule with Para Transpo. While I was doing that, I decided to plan a few other things for this year.

Along with work, I scheduled a regular trip to a local coffee shop for the end of every week. It'll get me out of the house for some time away from work, family, etc, give me a regular day and time to devote to Able Sail and JS board tasks (they haven't been lacking, but I do feel I could be doing better with a routine), and will allow me to write more.

Another big, and hopefully regular addition to my weeks will be exercise. I think work has allowed me to get sedentary and complacent, and I've packed on a few over the past six months. Worse, because of it, my breathing is off and I'm tilting to the left again, favouring that leg and hip.

A few years ago, I got on a pretty good routine of going on the treadmill we have while watching TV. Gonna get back to that! That should help with the breathing and extra pounds. Also, less junk food. (That'll be the hard part...) As for the tilting, it's back to doing the exercises a physiotherapist recommended.

And like with other years, I've started planning for travels right away. Baltimore in July for a Joubert conference and Nova Scotia for Christmas with family are all but locked in. There will probably be a JS board retreat sometime in the Fall, hopefully to another American city I've never visited. And, even though, for the past two years, I've complained about cost and said how each year would be my last, savings from work have given me reason to think about going to another Toronto Comics Art Fest (TCAF) in May. That one's still a maybe, though.

Add work, cabin time starting in the Spring, and the usual unexpected surprises, and I should have another decent year ahead of me.


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