Saturday 16 July 2016

Placement, Advocacy, and Work Maybe??

Well, I've been pretty busy lately, especially this week. In the home stretch of my placement with Pinecrest Queensway, and my public speaking workshop is officially a go for this Monday afternoon! Unfortunately, there are no work positions within Employment Services similar to what I'm looking for, but I did get pointed in the direction of another department within the organization, and they offered to help me out if I ever do find anything.

Along with the placement, I've really been looking into work and advocacy lately. A few weeks ago, I attended a presentation by a local networking group for participants of the placement program. The presenter asked people what they were doing and what kind of work they were interested in, to which I said disability advocacy. After the presentation, the presenter gave me his card and asked me to email him. I did, and he replied with contact info for a couple local disability organizations.

I eventually emailed both places, mainly looking for employment, but also possible advocacy opportunities. One place got back to me within a day, and this week I had an interview with Rise Asset Development, an organization that helps people with mental health and addiction issues get funding for entrepreneurial efforts. The interview went well, but didn't yield anything. However, that afternoon, I chose to follow up with the other organization I had contacted, Abilities First Ottawa. Nothing in terms of employment, but they were impressed enough with my background that they want me to sit on the committee for a barbeque fundraiser in September. Not quite what I was expecting, but it's a foot in the door!

I'm also sent some stuff off to The War Amps, and am waiting to hear back, so fingers crossed there.


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