Last month I found a thirty-day writing challenge, which I've decided to do this month. It's nothing you can submit, just thirty random topics to keep you busy.
I'm feeling kind of bored and lazy today, so I thought I'd share one of the topics from a few days ago on here, just for something fun to write.
Here's ten interesting and random facts about me:
1. I have a black belt in Taekwondo
For many years, I took a special needs Taekwondo class, and got as far as a first-degree black belt before college busyness forced me to give it up.
2. I’ve
received the Award of Fortitude for scouting
At eight years old, while I was in Cub Scouts, I received the Award of Fortitude for scouting from the Governor General of Canada. I was nominated by my former Beaver leader and many other people who knew me.
3. My first word was platypus
Yo! |
When I was little, I couldn't talk but all my other cognitive abilities (memory etc.) were fine. I also needed my parents to do chest physio and use a nebulizer to help with my lungs. Doctors told them to get into a routine with this, so they would do it while watching National Geographic and other nature programs. One day, everything came together, and out came "platypus!"
4. I have a rare genetic disorder
Everyone knows this one by now, but I figured I'd go for it anyway.
5. I've always been obsessed with cryptozoology, Bigfoot, and other monsters
I've always believed in creatures like Bigfoot and have been fascinated by monsters since I was little. I think teachers used to think I was weird for constantly taking out and reading monster books in school.
6. I almost studied Paleontology
Before applying to Scriptwriting, I seriously looked into Vertebrate Paleontology. I like dinosaurs so I figured, why not? I would've been Ross from Friends, minus Jennifer Aniston and the monkey! Realism set in soon, I realized that million year old fossils and a coordination issue might not mix well, and I decided writing about prehistoric stuff would be a safer move.
7. Pigs are my favourite animal
Seriously, they're awesome and adorable.
8. I've been regressed to a past life
I was attending an Easter Seals conference in my late teens, and the first night was set up with lots of vendors and activities. One of those was a woman who specialized in past-life regression.
It was really weird. The woman took me back
through events at certain ages like my early teens and when I was six, and then into a past life.
I was in a house with a lot of windows on a rocky beach, doing something involving
drawing and looking at a woman who could have been a wife or girlfriend. She
was pregnant, and I felt happy. Then I was looking down at an old man, most
likely a grandfather or father, and felt sad. He seemed to be dying. I still
can’t think of any explanation for what I saw or felt!
9. I enjoy both flying and public speaking
A lot of people consider these to be two of the scariest things to do, but I actually like them. I love the sensation of a plane taking off, the roar of the engines and then the g-forces as you go higher. It's also so cool looking out your window when you're above the clouds, especially at dawn and dusk!
As for public speaking, I've done it for so long now (thirteen years!) that I'm just used to it. I've never really ben scared of talking in front of strangers. Ironically, the most nervous I've been before a presentation was at the Joubert conference in Chicago this past summer, where I knew two-thirds of the people in the audience.
10. I've been on the national news
Months after I was diagnosed with JS, my mother and I were interviewed as part of a piece about Joubert syndrome and genetics for CTV News. A team including a representative from the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (where I was diagnosed) and two camera men came to my house one afternoon and set up the interview, which was done via an ear piece/microphone with CTV's national health correspondent. She interviewed my mother and I, then the camera men got footage of photos of me, my mom and I talking (which was seriously weird to do), and me doing tasks like walking upstairs and typing.
The piece aired Christmas Eve, 2011. I was between Vladimir Putin and Santa Claus! The video, which made me realize I've got a gigantic bald spot, is no longer online, but the
written version is.
And, boredom solved.