Sunday, 29 December 2024

2024 In Review


It was pretty laid back compared to others, but 2024 was probably one of the best years I've had in a while.

The year began and ended with fun events with people from work.

I may not have travelled or wrote much this past year, but I read. A LOT!

I consumed all those books from Christmas to Christmas, and many more besides! (monthly comic hauls not counting)

When winter began to thaw, I was routinely out and about downtown. Periodic walks or coffee breaks with a book for an hour before or after work soon became regular occurrences when weather permitted.

The end of May, just after my 39th birthday, I got my contract extended at work and was brought onto CanNor's Communications team. It's been a busy time, but so, so great!

I spent the majority of summer on my own while my family was in Nova Scotia. Along with comics work, and junk food, I cleaned an oven for the first time, went for a pedicure, and got through a tiny cold on my own.

Autumn was pretty eventful. After six years of using them solely for employment supports, I chose to get further involved with LiveWorkPlay. I attended a fun end-of-summer barbecue, then was invited to sit as a panelist for a Disability and Work conference, my first time speaking in five years!

Having been house-bound for much of the summer, my Dad and I made a spontaneous day trip to the Biodome and Insectarium in Montreal. Both very fun.

And that was basically it. Lots of hopes for next year, and some fun things already planned.

Cheers and Happy New Year!

Friday, 27 December 2024

Communications Retreat


*Photo used with permission*

Somehow, in a small space of time between Christmas shopping, a flu/COVID shot combo that knocked me on my rear for 24 hours straight, horrible winter weather, a pretty bad cold, AND holiday festivities, I managed to attend a Communications retreat at work the week before last.

It was two days here in Ottawa, with team members visiting from the territories. After a late start due to unfortunate flight delays the day before, the retreat was kicked off with gifts from coworkers and welcomes from/a positive conversation with senior staff. Afterwards, for our first activity, we were asked to list all our individual roles and responsibilities within the team. I do more than I give myself credit for. I also received an official job title and position, which was exciting!

Later that evening, we went out for dinner. Recent bad weather had made walking conditions a little slick, so I was nervous and prepared to take a cab to the restaurant, but my team were super helpful and walked with me, offering me arms for support. At the restaurant, the meal, conversation, and comradery were excellent.

The following day, we heard from several branches about what they do and ways Communications can assist them. We also led individual presentations about our various ongoing tasks. Mine went well and got some nice feedback. 

The second day ended with reflections. I gave some complements, then expressed hope for getting my contract extended so I can attend the next retreat. Just before leaving, we all gathered for a couple nice and goofy photos (see above).

It was a great couple days and was so fun to finally get to see everyone in person! Also very busy. When reflecting during the last afternoon, I nearly got very emotional. In the months leading up to the Administrative retreat I participated in last winter, I had been dealing with issues related to anxiety and mental health, stemming from the pandemic and a lack of independence at the time. That retreat was nice and helped.

This time was a lot different though. Since starting with Comms back in June, I've never felt such a sense of accomplishment or fulfillment like I have with this job (pretty sure I mentioned this in the work series I wrote, too). The new title makes things seem more real, and gives me a boost of purpose and motivation, a job I can develop at. And my teammates. All of my coworkers over the last 2.5 years have been great, but I just seem to have that much more in common with this lot. Again, super friendly, helpful and inclusive.  

Like I said before, fingers and toes are being crossed in hopes I get the opportunity to do this again. But, even if I don't, it was fun times and made for some good memories.


Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Merry Christmas!


Hoping everyone enjoys the "big" day tomorrow.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.


Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Warm Flavours


Winter has arrived in Ottawa once again. Temperatures hit freezing last week, and snow fell on the weekend, with a major dumping between today and tomorrow.

Readers know very well by now what I think of this season. 

So it's a good thing that I've found myself enjoying many of my favourite southern flavours recently.

 I've been on a ginger beer kick, enjoying it straight or mixed with green tea or ginger ale (both very good!) and found some Mexican Cola the other day. My parents randomly found a guy selling churros (best!) at a market over the weekend. And a new find, Spicy Tropical Fusion Doritos, tasting of pineapple, jerk spice, and cilantro, get two thumbs way up! Also, I still have some real Mexican hot chocolate left from a vacation my parents took.

Maybe it's been a subconscious thing, my brain providing me with a way to cope with the cold and hated precipitation. Either way, I'm enjoying it.
