Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Work Series - LiveWorkPlay


I’ve been wanting to do another series for a while, and recent good happenings have inspired me to write a couple posts about work.



Might as well begin (roughly) at the beginning.

I became a client of LiveWorkPlay seven years ago, after many years of either unsuccessfully searching for work on my own, or relying on other job agencies with roughly similar results.

I remember being reluctant to work with them, mostly because of some stupid personal prejudices, but their attention to inclusion and individuality won me over.

LiveWorkPlay’s approach to securing employment was different compared to what I’d gone through before. A few months after becoming a client, I met with a woman who worked with me to create a profile based on what I was looking for, my strengths and weaknesses, and any restrictions/limitations I had. Since I already had a resumé, she worked that in as well.


The following winter, I got a couple offers from a new job coach. Those fell through, but later in the spring I got one with a guaranteed interview (softer, as per LiveWorkPlay’s style) and document based on the information in my profile. That was an administrative position with the government, which I accepted. My coach met me on my first day to make sure I was set up fine, then left when I was comfortable.


That’s typically been the approach with subsequent job coaches I’ve had through the group. They know I’m capable of being relatively independent so they act more hands-off, usually looking for regular email updates and meetings when needed/wanted.


In 2022, they were quick to find me another job, where I’ve just extended my contract into next year.


Since joining LiveWorkPlay, I’ve used them exclusively for employment assistance, but I’ve recently started getting involved with them in other ways.


Last month, my job coach invited me to a barbecue LiveWorkPlay was holding one evening on the field of Ottawa’s pro football stadium. I’d never given much thought to attending any of their events in the past, except for briefly jumping on a free virtual one during COVID, but I’d seen photos of this barbecue from a year before and it looked like fun, so I got myself a ticket.


Decent food, good weather, a great venue (I accomplished a minor Bucket List item by running onto the football field before leaving!), and met some very nice people. I was even asked if I would be willing to speak as a panelist for them at a future employment event. I’d definitely consider attending future occasions.


For being hesitant and taking so long to be a part of LiveWorkPlay's greater community, I’m impressed with what I’ve been able to accomplish, thanks to their support.
