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Photo from a recent trip to the Museum of Nature |
So, aside from the placement, the last month or so has been pretty interesting, and I did a few (to me, anyway) major new things.
From the end of July until the second week in August, I stayed home alone while my family was down east. Between the placement, saving for next summer's Joubert conference in Phoenix, and a few other things I had going on, I just thought a staycation would be more convenient.
However, unlike other solo staycation's I've had, I wasn't just lounging around the house for a week doing nothing.
That first weekend, I went to see the latest Star Trek movie with a new group of people I had met on a group for single/social nerds of Ottawa-Gatineau. Yes, you read that correctly, I joined a singles group. I had been on the group a few days earlier, and had seen a discussion between several members living in my part of the city. A few said they were seeing a movie over the weekend and asked if anyone wanted to join them. After what seemed to be a long while of nervousness and hesitation, I said I'd like to go, and I did. It was a pretty big step, and I look forward to similar activities in the future, if they happen.
That Monday was a holiday but Employment Services was open, so I decided to go in to make up some hours and keep to a routine. There were only three other people there, so it was pretty relaxed and I got to leave a bit early.
Later in the week, I had a meeting with folks from Abilities First Ottawa, a local organization that helps people with disabilities become more independent, to go over plans for their annual barbeque fundraiser in September. I had been given info about them during a networking workshop for my placement, and contacted them shortly after. The woman I contacted, who's the group's executive director, was very interested in my speaking and writing, and encouraged me to participate.
The meeting went well. The fundraiser seems like it will be a great event. The people involved are pretty nice too, and immediately welcomed me into the "family" with a late dinner at East Side Mario's (Italian restaurant)! Was initially hesitant to go to dinner but, like with the movie, I sucked it up and had fun.
Along with all this, the universe had another new experience in store for me! Near the end of the week, I had and interview with a woman from Citizen Advocacy, another Ottawa-based disability organization. The week before, I had sent an email asking for information about a job posting. Unfortunately, I didn't meet the exact qualifications for the position. Fortunately though, the woman who replied was very interested in my speaking, writing, and workshops, and wanted to meet to talk about it!
During the interview, I was told that my advocacy background would be a perfect fit for an transitioning event Citizen Advocacy has coming up, and the woman who met with me wanted me to send her more information on the topics I've covered in the past to present me as a speaker to some of her co-workers. Best of all, she thinks this could maybe (knock on wood) lead to paid work with the organization! Still waiting on this, so fingers crossed.
And, that's about it. Like I said in my last post, no paid work yet, but stuff's certainly starting to happen!